Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Greater Washington DC Karen Baptist Fellowship at PBBC on Sunday, July 10 - 2011

On July 10, PBBC celebrated Judson’s Sunday and was honored and blessed to have members of the Greater Washington DC Karen Baptist Fellowship visited us and led the worship service. The chairman, P’Doh Saw Kapi opened the service with word of greetings and invocation followed by the honoring of PBBC’s first high school graduates led by Emerald Cribb, secretary of PBBC. Charge to the graduates was given by Emerald Cribb, word of advice by P’Doh Saw Kapi and a special prayer said by our pastor Dr. La Seng.

Dr. May Paw

The service then continued with songs by the visitors, inspiring testimony by Saw Soe Moe Oo, exhortation by Thra Marshall, message by Thramu Dr. May Paw, and a special prayer led by P’Doh Saw Eh Kler. The worship program was closed with a prayer by Pastor Dr. La Seng.

The service was followed by a fellowship dinner prepared by families of PBBC which was greatly enjoyed by all present. We thank the Karen Baptist Fellowship of Greater Washington DC and pray for God’s continued blessings on everyone, and harmonious fellowship between them and PBBC in days to come.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

From Refugee Camps to a Brighter Future - Q&A with Grads.

PBBC warmly and proudly congratulate our first Karen High School graduates of 2011: Saw Eh Klay Klay, Naw Ka Mwee Paw, Saw Eh Soe Soe, Saw Aye Min Thu, and Saw Min Oo. These young people came from refugee camps without any knowledge of the US Education system, and limited use of the English language. It has been a great challenge for them to pursue education in US schools    where conditions are absolutely different socially and culturally from what they have experienced in camps. Especially, student-teacher and student- student relationship are just the opposite. The fast pace of life in the US proved to be a great shock for them to keep up with. However, with the help of teachers and support of family members, community, and church, they could not only adjust but also prevail over these hardships and succeed with flying colors. These young high school graduates are the first among those who arrived in Philadelphia in the year 2007.

PBBC caught up with them just after their graduation ceremony and interviewed them. Below are their interviews with PBBC.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dr. Anna May Say Pa and Rev. Florence Li at PBBC on February 27, 2011-Sunday

             On Februrary 27th Sunday, Dr. Anna Ma Say Pa, ex Principal of Myanma Institute of Theology came to give a message at Philadelphia Burmese Baptist Church and Rev. Florence Li of American Baptist Home Mission Sociaties of ABC USA gave a DVD presentation on America For Christ "Mission Moment" and conducted Holy Communion at the end of the service.
             Below is the full text of the message given by Dr. Anna Ma Say Pa ;


Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed. “Genesis 12:1-3

All of us adults here had to get on a plane to get to where we are now. When we got to the airport we had to find our destination and plane that would take us to our destination. None of us set out from our place of origin not knowing where we would be going. If someone had said to us, “Pack your bags and just get up and go,” we’d say “Wait a minute, where is it I am supposed to go?” But this man Abraham and his