Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Greater Washington DC Karen Baptist Fellowship at PBBC on Sunday, July 10 - 2011

On July 10, PBBC celebrated Judson’s Sunday and was honored and blessed to have members of the Greater Washington DC Karen Baptist Fellowship visited us and led the worship service. The chairman, P’Doh Saw Kapi opened the service with word of greetings and invocation followed by the honoring of PBBC’s first high school graduates led by Emerald Cribb, secretary of PBBC. Charge to the graduates was given by Emerald Cribb, word of advice by P’Doh Saw Kapi and a special prayer said by our pastor Dr. La Seng.

Dr. May Paw

The service then continued with songs by the visitors, inspiring testimony by Saw Soe Moe Oo, exhortation by Thra Marshall, message by Thramu Dr. May Paw, and a special prayer led by P’Doh Saw Eh Kler. The worship program was closed with a prayer by Pastor Dr. La Seng.

The service was followed by a fellowship dinner prepared by families of PBBC which was greatly enjoyed by all present. We thank the Karen Baptist Fellowship of Greater Washington DC and pray for God’s continued blessings on everyone, and harmonious fellowship between them and PBBC in days to come.