On November 8, 2009 (Sunday), a group of twelve Korean high school students from New Jersey United Christian Academy, Allentown, New Jersey, together with Deacon Kim and Deacon Yu led by their chaplain Rev. Dr. Hyung-Jin Park came and worship together with us at the Philadelphia Burmese Baptist Church. Rev. Dr. Park, a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, delivered a message based on Malachi 1:11 He shared with us that there is pluralism in the Church where Christ’s followers worship one God and praise His name in their own languages. His sermon aptly spoke to PBBC’s congregation which is diverse in terms of ecclesial tradition and ethno-dialect. After the sermon, the students sang some praise songs, followed by a performance by two female
Next, Andrew Chung, a student leader, presented a love gift they had collected out of their own pocket with love and compassion to pastor of PBBC, Dr. La Seng. How touching and inspiring it was! God as the Spirit is always at work between congregations and among all of us. We, the PBBC members believe that God never forsakes us when we are in need of various assistance which includes financial help for the church’s total ministry, and the establishment of a broader ecumenical relation among Christian Churches in the United States of America. We thank God for sending us these young people. A potluck dinner followed after the service, and it was enjoyed by all.